About Kyle Schultz

Hello. I am Kyle J. Schultz. Born December 11th, of 2003 at 11:50 AM at the St. John Mercy (now Mercy) Hospitals.
I have 1 brother named Keith, a dog named Hannah, and a bunch of fish. I currently live in Manchester, St. Louis County, Missouri.


EmergeNYC Logo

I play a lot of videogames. My top are ROBLOX by Roblox Corporation, EmergeNYC by FlipSwitch Games, and Minecraft by Mojang/Microsoft.
I am an organist, or someone who plays the organ. A pianist and an organist are not to be mixed up. The pianist plays the piano, the organist plays the organ. I play Johannus, Allen, and Rodgers organs. The biggest of which I have played I believe is the Rodgers 484 (Pictured below). A four manual eighty four stop organ console. Built by Rodgers Organs, this organ is priced at 165,000 United States Dollars. The price can and will fluctuate of how many speakers you need, installation fees, and other basic things.

A Rodgers Infinity 484 Organ by Rodgers Instruments

See Rodgers at https://www.RodgersInstruments.com/

See Johannus at http://www.Johannus.com/en-us

See Allen at https://www.AllenOrgan.com

Top 5 Favorite Organists And My Favorite Quote

  1. Virgil Fox "First in the Tenor, Second in the Alto, Third in the Soprano, and when its the bass note I dance the Jig." (Virgil Fox on Bachs Gigue Fugue)
  2. Diane Bish
  3. Ken Cowan
  4. Dr. Carol Williams
  5. James Roman (Youtuber)